Monday, September 3, 2007


For some, the start of summer meant diving into books and enjoying a pleasant summer of reading. For me, it meant treading water and not drowning in the immense workload of mother, wife, runner, employee, etc. I started several books and some I finished while others were left to be drawn out. After the race last weekend I picked up a fun book from my cousin Catherine that jump started my reading again. I've finished off a few of my unread books this weekend and thought I'd share a few of my thoughts...

Harry Potter 7: I know what you're thinking...How could the #1 Harry Potter fan let the book drag out for so long. Well, it's a mixture of book theft from my mother, increased workload, and I've now realized the fear that once I finished, it would be over. I actually just finished book 7 moments ago. I have to say that I was very pleased with the ending and it was extremely hard to avoid hearing the ending up to this point. I am happy to say that I will be open to discuss the book at this point in time. Overall, I loved it! (oh yeah, who is the new headmaster!?!)

Eclipse: This was the most anticipated book of the summer for me. I love Edward, I love vampires, I love the Cullen Family. The book was great, and gave me the delicious read I was expecting. It could have had some deeper twists, but it's a YA book, so what more could I expect? I will be counting down the days to Breaking Dawn...

The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things: I intended to read this on my trip home from Oregon, but spent most of the flight sleeping and didn't get too far. What I did read peaked my interest enough to keep going. It was an entertaining book that had me rooting for Virginia all the way through. She's a great heroine and I hope I can be more like her!

Austenland: I think this is my favorite book of the summer. I feel a great love for this story. I purchased this and intended to listen to it while running in Oregon however I did not begin listening to it until I returned home. Stephenie Meyer recommended this book so I knew it had to be a good one. For me, I really enjoy going into a book knowing nothing about it. I had NO idea that Austenland was referring to Jane Austen so when the book began with the character Jane being obsessed with "Pride and Prejudice" or I should say, Mr. Darcy, I thought that the book may be a bore. It turned out to be a total delight and I enjoyed entering the world of Austenland. If you have the chance, pick up this book and settle in. It also moved me to rent "Pride and Prejudice" although it was only the 2 1/2 hour version. I may need to spring for the 6 hour Collin Firth version when I have a little more free time on my hands.

So with summer coming to a close it looks like I finished 4 new books. I did read Twilight and New Moon for a 2nd time at the beginning of summer but won't count those in my total.

The shelf on my night-stand is getting really full and as I pulled Harry Potter off I noticed several other books that have been leant to me that I started and never finished. I've gotten a new interest in books after this last week so perhaps I will dive into the other unfinished books on my shelves.

Happy Reading!


Afton said...

I'm so glad you liked Austenland. The 2 and a half hour Keira Knightly version of P and P is not bad, although I now refer to it as the Matthew MacFaddyn version. Hmm, maybe I'll go sneak a peak right now!

Catherine said...

I'm glad you liked The Earth, My Butt etc. I loved that book. I've read a couple other Carolyn Mackler books, but I think that's the best.

Unknown said...

Here are books I’m reading:

• Teachings of the Prophets: Joseph Smith (The New PH/RS manual)
• Ronald Reagan’s Diaries
• War and Peace (for the 2nd time)
• Firefox Down!
• Inherit the Stars
• Robotech: The Invid Invasion
• Ray Bradbury Classic Stories 1: From the Golden Apples of the Sun and R Is for Rocket.
• Kolchak: The Night Stalker Casebook (This also has vampires in it)
• Dialogue: Techniques and Exercises for Crafting Effective Dialogue (Write Great Fiction)
• I also just finished “Last and First Man” by Stapledon

Amy said...

I love the 6 hour version much better than Kiera and Matt version. I have the 6 hour if you want to borrow it!