Monday, July 30, 2007

Curious Calvin and the Treadmill

This is a story for strong stomachs and strong eyes. Don't scroll down if raw skin and puss bother you.

This is my treadmill. I run on this treadmill everyday as part of my training for Hood to Coast. I am really excited for the upcoming race, and spend much time each day on this treadmill. Last week, while Andrew was out of town backpacking Calvin touched the back of the treadmill where the red circle is shown above and his hand was sucked under the belt. I jumped off, pulled him out and felt the intense heat of his hand. I thought that his was going to be a contact burn as if he had touched a hot plate, but I was wrong.

I rushed him to the sink and put it under cold water which caused a new wave of screams. I looked at his hand and saw the cause. Exposed raw flesh. I freaked out. Andrew handles these sorts of things with his cool collected fire fighter rescue skills. I on the other hand freak out. I ran next door and banged on the neighbors door to find no one home. Where were my super awesome neighbors!?!? It was then that I decided I needed to call 911. As soon as help arrived Calvin stopped crying (Hazel slept through the whole thing) and we were told that he needed to be taken to the ER. Some other neighbors from down the street came to stay with Hazel and to help me get to the hospital. I was a little shaken up.

At the hospital they cut off the dead skin, cleaned the wound and bandaged his hand. The most traumatic part of the evening was forcing him to take the tylenol with codene which he spit out all over us. The doctor said that Calvin's hand should be fine but it will take a few weeks to return to normal. The injury did not go through all his layers of skin which will speed up the healing process. He should regain normal movement and use of his hand with time. We're going back in tomorrow for another check-up so we'll get more info on how things are healing.

Now on to the photos. Again, this may gross you out so stop here if you don't want to see the yucky stuff.

Picture 1- 24 hours after the incident (now that i'm looking at the pics they don't look nearly as bad as it did in real life.
Picture 2- 48 hours after the incident


claire said...

How terrible! I hate these sort of things. Preston almost chopped off his thumb when he was two and it did heal up just fine but that was one of the worst days of my life. The pictures didn't come through for me but maybe that was a good thing.

Da Dandy Davis' said...

Poor buddy! Hope that it heals quickly and without any problems.

Afton said...

What can I say that I haven't already said? Maybe you can draw some eyes and a mouth on his hand dressing and it can be a ghost puppet.

Catherine said...

I heard about this last weekend from my mom! How traumatic. Poor kid. It makes me so sad just thinking about it. What a brave, brave kid.

The Mann Family said...

Hi Angela,
I just came across your blog, I hope this doesn't weird you out :). I am a fellow bloger ...

Poor Calvin! I remember when my sister Jordan fell while running on my parents treadmill a couple years ago (at a very high speed), her battle wounds were like Calvin's but on her legs and shoulder too... ouch.
Darcey Mann (Hall)

Unknown said...

Dear Calvin,

I'm sorry to about your hand. I've done similar things to myself, too. Right now I have a cut from a pizza box, a dinged up knee, and a two-inch scrape on my left elbow. I hope your hand gets better,and this does not deter you from exploring the world.

By the way, ahem, the government has laws against parental neglect. Ahem. You can contact a lawyer at, ahem, or in the yellow pages.

Gwen said...

Ooohhh. Calvin has some guts.