Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Fun with Grandma

I spent most of the day in the Bay Area today getting my hair done and going into the office. I had a really nice day but the part I enjoyed most was visiting with Grandma Atwood. I haven't seen her in a while and it was nice to visit and hear of the things she had been up to. She showed me a great brochure advertising Baywood that literally made me want to move in. They sing, dance, swim, have great meals, play bingo, and go on outings. Everyone looked so happy in the photos and I thought that this would be a great place to live! My grandma is even in one of the photos that has been featured in the newspaper many times. She's turning into a local celebrity!

Before I left I showed her my blog and the blogs of my other family members. She was happy to see pictures and know that there were updates on her grandkids and great-grandkids at the click of a button. So, keep your blogs updated -- Grandma is reading, laughing, and enjoying every word.

Thanks again for a fun night Grandma!

1 comment:

Afton said...

Great to know GG is checking in on us. Thanks for the update.